Redeveloping Dying Malls with Brait Capital Founder Rafik Moore


Redeveloping Dying Malls with Brait Capital Founder Rafik Moore


Guest: Rafik is a seasoned commercial real estate operator with extensive experience in retail & industrial property.  His company, Brait Capital is now focused on very large retail & industrial assets.  Recently, he has closed on 3 shopping mall properties with large vacancy and is in the process of repositioning those assets.


Big Idea: Commercial real estate success is found in 3 components.  First, finding an asset at a favorable cost basis. Second, assembling the capital to buy & redevelop that asset. Finally, and perhaps most important, operating the business of leasing at a high level to quickly fill the asset with paying tenants – tenants who draw the missing traffic back and bring that asset back to life.




Dan: Yes, smart. I like that. Why don’t we start with a little bit of a back story, right? How did you get in real estate? How did your real estate career developed to the point where we’re taking down and running 200,000 plus square-foot dead boxes and bringing them back to life?

Rafik: I started with a job as a credit analyst at a bank. So, my approach into this industry came from the finance or ability to borrow money to buy real estate. As an underwriter, I worked for two years, learned a lot about credit analysis and what banks to look at when they want to borrow your money. It was a very critical experience in my understanding of how to get banks to lend me money later. After being a credit analyst, I became a sales guy. At first, I was an account executive, sales guy for the mortgages, and then ultimately, became a mortgage broker in 2003. From 2003 until 2008, I was a mortgage broker. We had about four shops and over 100 people, and that basically was my full-time job.

But my part-time job was flipping houses and starting from one house duplex after that and that flopped on a couple of first houses. It’s so hard to believe that starting with that and to sort of fast forward to what we’re doing today, which is four and a half million square-feet of real estate all over the country it’s just mind-boggling and very, very exciting and I guess, humbling. I have been very blessed to have met a lot of friends along the way. I’m all about building long-term relationships with long-term people. But yes, after flipping houses… Oh, by the way, when things collapsed, I started flipping houses professionally. We do 50 to 60 houses a year for about seven to 10 years and in 2012 and parallel, I bought my first commercial warehouse building which was a life-changing event. On that first deal, we made a million dollars, me and my investors. And we continued flipping houses, but commercial real estate became a thing for me, first thing. So, my partner continued running flipping business while I got into commercial full time.

This Episode of The REI Diamonds Show is Sponsored by the Deal Machine. This Software Enables Real Estate Investors to Develop a Reliable & Low Cost Source of Off Market Deals. For a Limited Time, You Get Free Access at


This Episode is Also Sponsored by the Lending Home. Lending Home Offers Reliable & Low Cost Fix & Flip Loans with Interest Rates as Low as 9.25%.  Buy & Hold Loans Offered Even Lower.  Get a FREE IPad when you Close Your First Deal by Registering Now at


Resources mentioned in this episode:


For Access to Real Estate Deals You Can Buy & Sell for Profit:


Rafik & I Discuss Redeveloping Dying Malls:

  • The Evolution from Flipping Houses to Buying Malls
  • The System for Creating Astonishing Leasing Velocity
  • Creating a “product”, as opposed to doing a “deal”
  • Managing 700 Commercial Tenants



Relevant Episodes: (200+ Content Packed Interviews in Total)


The transcript of this episode can be found here.
Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

Life Lessons on Prosperity with The Wealthy Gardener author John Soforic


Life Lessons on Prosperity with The Wealthy Gardener author John Soforic


Guest: Dr. John Soforic was a once chiropractor with 200k in student debt. He retired at 49 with a retirement income of $240,000. He then wrote a book for his son in college: The Wealthy Gardener: Lessons on Prosperity between Father and Son. The book became an Amazon bestseller, hit #46 worldwide on audible, and has been translated into 6 languages.


Big Idea: Generational Wealth is not just money, equity, or numbers on the balance sheet.   One very critical component of wealth his the knowledge on how to steward that wealth, a critical piece missing from so many estate plans.  John viewed this challenge in his own life as he sought to inspire his 19 year old son to absorb and learn the wisdom he’d discovered over the decade of building his own wealth.  And so The Wealthy Gardener was born.

I listened on audible myself and then found myself immediately recommending the book to a few friends of mine who are early in their real estate investing career.  I’d describe this book as the “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” for the new generation, but with a greater focus on real estate and the mindsets needed to create a wealthy life.  John and I discuss real estate, my juvenile delinquent past, our shared experience of having a child attend Temple University, and of course his book, The Wealthy Gardener.  Please enjoy this conversation with John Soforic.



Dan Breslin: Welcome to the R.E.I Diamond Show. I’m your host, Dan Breslin. And this is Episode 200 with Life Lessons on Prosperity with The Wealthy Gardener author John Soforic.

If you are into building wealth through real estate investing, you are in the right place. My goal is to identify high-caliber real estate investors and other industry service providers. I’d invite them on the show and then draw out the jewels of wisdom, those tactics and mindsets, and methods used to create millions of dollars or more in the business of real estate.

Dr. John Soforic was once a chiropractor with more than $200,000 in student debt. He retired at age 49, with a retirement income of $240,000 per year. He then wrote a book for his son in college, The Wealthy Gardener: Lessons on Prosperity Between Father and Son. The book went on to become an Amazon bestseller. Hit number 46 worldwide on Audible and has been translated into six languages.

Generational wealth is not just money. It’s not just equity or numbers on a balance sheet. One very critical component of wealth is the knowledge on how to steward that wealth, a critical piece missing from so many estate plans. John viewed this challenge in his own life as he sought to inspire his 19-year-old son to absorb and learn the wisdom he discovered over the decade or more building his own wealth. And so, The Wealthy Gardener was born.

I listened on Audible myself and then found myself immediately recommending the book to a few friends of mine who are early in their real estate investing career. I describe this book as the Rich Dad Poor Dad for the new generation, but with a greater focus on real estate and the mindsets needed to actually create that wealthy life.

John and I discussed real estate, my juvenile delinquent past, our shared experience of having a child attend Temple University and, of course, his book, The Wealthy Gardener. Please enjoy this conversation with John Soforic.


Episode Sponsored by the Deal Machine:

Driving for Dollars Software to Build a Team of Drivers, Manage Routes, & Even Automate Marketing.  Free Access at


Resources mentioned in this episode:


John & I Discuss Life Lessons on Prosperity:

  • How to Pass on Generational Wealth

  • Overcoming Challenges in Life

  • Building a $20K Per Month Portfolio

  • The Wealthy Gardener


Relevant Episodes: (There are 200 Content Packed Interviews in Total)


The transcript of this episode can be found here.
Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

Flipping Houses in Florida with Viktor Jiracek


Flipping Houses in Florida with Viktor Jiracek


Guest: Viktor is a full time real estate investor focused on flipping houses in Florida.  He also coaches new investors on how to find off market deals then fund, fix & flip those deals.


Big Idea: If you’re just getting started in real estate investing, constructing a plan to earn $100K per year flipping houses is a good place to start.  This was my own plan back in 2006 when I just got started.  It turned out pretty well so far.

Viktor & I discuss how to find & fund that first flip.  We also talk about finding and managing contractors, avoiding costly mistakes, and of course everyone’s favorite type of deal.



Dan Breslin: Welcome to the REI Diamond Show. I’m your host Dan Breslin, and this is episode 198. On flipping houses in Florida with Viktor Jiracek. If you’re in the building wealth through real estate investing, you are in the right place. My goal is to identify high-caliber real estate investors and other industry service providers, invite them on the show, and then draw out the jewels of wisdom. Those tactics, mindsets, and methods used to create millions of dollars and more in the business of real estate.

So Viktor is a full-time real estate investor focused on flipping houses in Florida. He also coaches new investors on how to find off-market deals, then fun, fix, and flip those deals. So if you’re just getting started in real estate investing, constructing a plan to earn $100,000 per year flipping houses, is a pretty good place to start. That was my own plan back in 2006 when I got started and it’s turned out pretty well so far. Viktor and I discussed that plan as well as how to find and fun that first flip. We also talked about finding, managing contractors, avoiding costly mistakes. Of course, everyone’s favorite type of deal. Shall we begin?

All right. Welcome to the REI Diamond Show, Viktor. How are you doing today?

Viktor Jiracek: I’m good. Thanks for having me.

Dan: Cool. I think we’d start with a location drop a pin in your market and kind of talk about where you’re doing business first and then, maybe as part of that, you could talk about, how you got in real estate and what your business looks like today?

Viktor: Sure. I live in Gainesville, Florida. I flipped in the surrounding area so mostly Alachua County but a little bit like if it’s a good deal we’ll go a little bit farther but I like to keep it private within an hour driving distance is how I typically look at it. Yeah, so I primarily do fix and flip. So by it, fix it up, sell it, is how I typically do it. I got started full-time out two and a half years ago. I was working full-time, that wasn’t working out. Just wanna make a shift in real state, I’m happy, and I don’t wanna look back. I’m happy about this. This is it. This is the goal.


Episode Sponsored by the Deal Machine:

Driving for Dollars Software to Build a Team of Drivers, Manage Routes, & Even Automate Marketing.  Free Access at


Resources mentioned in this episode:


Viktor & I Discuss Flipping Houses in Florida:

  • How to Find the Best Deals

  • Funding your 1st Deal

  • Impact of Design on Resale

  • Building a Funnel of Contractors


Relevant Episodes: (There are 198 Content Packed Interviews in Total)


The transcript of this episode can be found here.
Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

Lead Conversion System for Direct to Seller RE Investors with Dan Schwartz

Dan & I Discuss:

  • How to Win in Direct to Seller-Off Market Deals

  • Automated Follow Up Systems

  • Mindset of High Volume RE Investors

  • How to Manage a Large Volume of Leads

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Ian Walsh on Why Your Offers are NOT Getting Accepted

Ian & I Discuss:

  • How to Scale a Fix & Flip Real Estate Business

  • Reasons Why Your Offers are NOT Getting Accepted

  • How to Position Yourself as a Powerful Deal Maker

  • How to Get Offers Accepted When Using Hard Money

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Brandon Schwab on Boutique Assisted Living Homes

Brandon & I Discussed

  • Transitioning the Portfolio to Boutique Assisted Living Homes

  • $35,000 Per Month from a Single House

  • Finding Purpose from the Real Estate Business

  • How You Can Participate in the Boutique Assisted Living Home Business

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Hakeem Valles on Real Estate After the NFL

Hakeem & I Discussed

  • Leveraging Your Experience to Succeed in Life

  • The Road to the NFL after Deciding You Want to Play the Game

  • How the Mindset Used to Get to the NFL Applies to Real Estate


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REI Diamonds Show with Zach Beach on Lease Options

Zach & I Discussed

  • How an Investor Can Pay Market Value & Still Make Money

  • Managing Lease Option Deals to Close

  • $75,000 Spread on a Deal with Almost No Equity

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Saul Z on Leveling Up in Real Estate

Saul & I Discussed

  • Progression to Industrial Warehouse Deals

  • Mobile Home Parks

  • Funding 5-10 Single Family Flips per Month

  • Choosing the Right Neighborhoods to Flip Houses

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From Appraiser to Agent to Investor

Saul Z began his career in real estate as an appraiser before moving into the agent/broker world and ultimately graduating to an investor.  Saul has a habit of looking at the business and seeing who is making the biggest piece of the pie, then going after that portion of the business.  With the advent of Amazon & the internet in general, Saul noticed a big opportunity in warehouse space and has since shifted his focus to deals of this nature-with $200,000 cash flow AFTER making the mortgage payments.

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Dave Orloff on Financing Rentals & Fix & Flip Deals

Dave & I Discussed

  • Longest Real Estate Loan in the Market (40 Years)

  • 2019 Real Estate Market Prediction

  • Vacation Rental Pitfalls & Risk

  • High Level Negotiation Observations

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Need a Partner to Underwrite Your Deals?

Dave Orloff is the CFO at American Heritage Lending. He has built a strong reputation as an outstanding mortgage brokerage firm, serving the lending needs of real estate professionals, builders and individual homebuyers throughout the state. He is a full-service mortgage broker with an experienced staff offering expertise in every area of mortgage lending…from purchase to refinance to construction lending. He has over ten years of experience in lending and the real estate industry.


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