Andy Shamberg on Property Insurance Fundamentals

Property Insurance

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More Info About Andy at:

Liberty Insurance Brokers



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Bill Kratz on Flat Fee Listings & VIP Buyers

Flat Fee Listings

Bill Kratz and Dan Breslin discuss:

  • The Process of Using a Flat Fee Listing to Cut Fix & Flip Real Estate Commissions in Half.
  • How to Become a VIP Buyer to ANY Wholesaler and Receive a PHONE CALL BEFORE the Email Blast.

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More Info About Bill at:


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  • 7 Sources of Off Market Deals-7 Strategies to Position Yourself in Your Market to Receive a Phone Call BEFORE Anyone Else Knows About the Deal.
  • The Atomic Buyers List-This MP3 Reveals the Methods I’ve Used to Quickly Sell 25 Deals Per Month for the Most Profit.
  • Become a Wholesale Real Estate Master-164 Page Manual which Contains the Exact Strategy I’ve Implemented to Generate those 25 Deals Each Month.

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Joe Neilson on Generating $24K Per Month NET from Rentals FAST

Financing Rental Houses

Joe Neilson, the Real Estate Professor, & Dan Breslin Discuss Building a
$24K Per Month NET Positive Cash from a Rental Portfolio at Lightning

Discussion Includes:

  • Financing Large Portfolios of Rental Houses in Your Own Name
  • The RIGHT WAY to Approach a Banker when Seeking Financing
  • Niche Rentals-Owning “in Demand” Property
  • Choosing the ABSOLUTE BEST Tenants in the Market

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More Info About Joe at:

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  • 7 Sources of Off Market Deals-7 Strategies to Position Yourself in Your Market to Receive a Phone Call BEFORE Anyone Else Knows About the Deal.
  • The Atomic Buyers List-This MP3 Reveals the Methods I’ve Used to Quickly Sell 25 Deals Per Month for the Most Profit.
  • Become a Wholesale Real Estate Master-164 Page Manual which Contains the Exact Strategy I’ve Implemented to Generate those 25 Deals Each Month.

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Aaron Lockhart on VIP Buyers

VIP Buyers

Aaron Lockhart
Chicago Power Wholesaler on VIP Buyers

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More Info About Aaron at:





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  • 7 Sources of Off Market Deals-7 Strategies to Position Yourself in Your Market to Receive a Phone Call BEFORE Anyone Else Knows About the Deal.
  • The Atomic Buyers List-This MP3 Reveals the Methods I’ve Used to Quickly Sell 25 Deals Per Month for the Most Profit.
  • Become a Wholesale Real Estate Master-164 Page Manual which Contains the Exact Strategy I’ve Implemented to Generate those 25 Deals Each Month.

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Bill Becker on Doing Million Dollar Deals

Million Dollar Deal

Bill Becker, of the American Real Estate Institute, & Dan Breslin Discuss
What it Takes to Close a Deal and Make a Million Dollar Profit.

Discussion Includes:

  • The Best Way to Get Started as an Investor
  • Bill’s First Million Dollar Deal
  • Beachfront Land Development in Costa Rica

Listen Now:

More Info About Bill Becker at:



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  • 7 Sources of Off Market Deals-7 Strategies to Position Yourself in Your Market to Receive a Phone Call BEFORE Anyone Else Knows About the Deal.
  • The Atomic Buyers List-This MP3 Reveals the Methods I’ve Used to Quickly Sell 25 Deals Per Month for the Most Profit.
  • Become a Wholesale Real Estate Master-164 Page Manual which Contains the Exact Strategy I’ve Implemented to Generate those 25 Deals Each Month.

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Matt Einheber on the Title Process

Title Work

Matt Einheber, of Vista Abstract & Brixsy & Dan Breslin Discuss the Process
of Title Work for Investment Property.

Discussion Includes:

  • Overview of the Title Process
  • Assignment Fees & How they are Viewed by Underwriting
  • Common Investor Title Issues
  • Brixsy-A Brand New Philadelphia Due Diligence Website (Soon Expanding to Other Markets)

Listen Now:

More Info About Matt Einheber:

Brixsy “Due Diligence Differently”

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  • 7 Sources of Off Market Deals-7 Strategies to Position Yourself in Your Market to Receive a Phone Call BEFORE Anyone Else Knows About the Deal.
  • The Atomic Buyers List-This MP3 Reveals the Methods I’ve Used to Quickly Sell 25 Deals Per Month for the Most Profit.
  • Become a Wholesale Real Estate Master-164 Page Manual which Contains the Exact Strategy I’ve Implemented to Generate those 25 Deals Each Month.

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Josh Hertz on Wholesaling & Fix & Flips Philadelphia

Fix and Flip Investor

Josh Hertz
Wholesaler, Real Estate Agent, & Fix & Flip Investor

Listen Now:



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  • 7 Sources of Off Market Deals-7 Strategies to Position Yourself in Your Market to Receive a Phone Call BEFORE Anyone Else Knows About the Deal.
  • The Atomic Buyers List-This MP3 Reveals the Methods I’ve Used to Quickly Sell 25 Deals Per Month for the Most Profit.
  • Become a Wholesale Real Estate Master-164 Page Manual which Contains the Exact Strategy I’ve Implemented to Generate those 25 Deals Each Month.

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Steve Clutch on Virtual Wholesaling & Lease Options

Virtual Wholesaling

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Contact Info:



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  • 7 Sources of Off Market Deals-7 Strategies to Position Yourself in Your Market to Receive a Phone Call BEFORE Anyone Else Knows About the Deal.
  • The Atomic Buyers List-This MP3 Reveals the Methods I’ve Used to Quickly Sell 25 Deals Per Month for the Most Profit.
  • Become a Wholesale Real Estate Master-164 Page Manual which Contains the Exact Strategy I’ve Implemented to Generate those 25 Deals Each Month.

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Mitch Ripkin on Investing in Single Family Houses in Advance of Gentrification

Hard Money Lender

Mitch Ripkin & Dan Breslin discuss Investing in Single Family Houses in Advance of Gentrification.

Gentrification is the process of a neighborhood changing demographics from a lower class neighborhood with low property values to a higher
income area with much higher property values.  Find the gentrifying area & buy right and you become wealthy.


Click Here to Read “Buying in Advance of Gentrification”


Discussion Includes:

  • Effectively Self-Managing You Rental Portfolio
  • How to Buy in Advance of Gentrification
  • Approaching a Hard Money Lender for Financing


Listen Now:

More Info About Mitch Ripkin

“We Will Fund Your Deal” (Philadelphia Region Only)


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  • 7 Sources of Off Market Deals-7 Strategies to Position Yourself in Your Market to Receive a Phone Call BEFORE Anyone Else Knows About the Deal.
  • The Atomic Buyers List-This MP3 Reveals the Methods I’ve Used to Quickly Sell 25 Deals Per Month for the Most Profit.
  • Become a Wholesale Real Estate Master-164 Page Manual which Contains the Exact Strategy I’ve Implemented to Generate those 25 Deals Each Month.

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Howard Greenberg on Agents working with Investors & Wholesalers

Investors and Wholesalers

Listen Now:

Contact Info:
Click Here for Howard’s Linked In Profile



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  • 7 Sources of Off Market Deals-7 Strategies to Position Yourself in Your Market to Receive a Phone Call BEFORE Anyone Else Knows About the Deal.
  • The Atomic Buyers List-This MP3 Reveals the Methods I’ve Used to Quickly Sell 25 Deals Per Month for the Most Profit.
  • Become a Wholesale Real Estate Master-164 Page Manual which Contains the Exact Strategy I’ve Implemented to Generate those 25 Deals Each Month.

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